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Birth, Baby & Beyond

Birth, Baby & Beyond

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Created for expectant parents, new mums, new grandparents and for anyone wanting to know more about becoming a parent. Cath Curtin shares over four decades of experience, guiding you through the highs and lows of being pregnant, giving birt



Season 7

A special episode just for Grandads

Grandads are great aren’t they? They step in to help out when day care falls through, they spoil your kids (like they never spoiled you). But what are the unwritten rules of grandparenting? And how should new parents manage this relationship. Midwife Cath and Chris Taylor tackle these questions and more on the final episode of this season of Birth Baby and Beyond.  

A special episode just for Grandads

Grandads are great aren’t they? They step in to help out when day care falls through, they spoil your kids (like they never spoiled you). But what are the unwritten rules of grandparenting? And how should new parents manage this relationship. Midwife Cath and Chris Taylor tackle these questions and more on the final episode of this season of Birth Baby and Beyond.  


EP12 - S7

3 Sep 23

Understanding postnatal depression (men get it too!)

In Australia one in five women and one in ten men get post-natal depression, but how much do you know about post-natal depression? Cath and Chris talk about the symptoms of PND, how to support your partner and how to find help.  LINKS:  https://www.gidgetfoundation.org.au/ https://panda.org.au/get-support/support-dads https://healthyfamilies.beyondblue.org.au/pregnancy-and-new-parents

Understanding postnatal depression (men get it too!)

In Australia one in five women and one in ten men get post-natal depression, but how much do you know about post-natal depression? Cath and Chris talk about the symptoms of PND, how to support your partner and how to find help.  LINKS:  https://www.gidgetfoundation.org.au/ https://panda.org.au/get-support/support-dads https://healthyfamilies.beyondblue.org.au/pregnancy-and-new-parents


EP11 - S7

27 Aug 23

Sleepless nights and working days

As life starts to settle back into some shape of normalcy, you may notice that there’s something missing. As a new parent that “something” is probably sleep. Sleep deprivation can be a challenge for new parents. Cath and Chris discuss ways we can manage the sleepless nights, particularly when you’ve gone back to work.  LINKS:  https://rednose.org.au/section/safe-sleeping

Sleepless nights and working days

As life starts to settle back into some shape of normalcy, you may notice that there’s something missing. As a new parent that “something” is probably sleep. Sleep deprivation can be a challenge for new parents. Cath and Chris discuss ways we can manage the sleepless nights, particularly when you’ve gone back to work.  LINKS:  https://rednose.org.au/section/safe-sleeping


EP10 - S7

20 Aug 23

Bringing baby home

Coming home from hospital can be scary. Suddenly, keeping a small human alive is up to you. The good news is both Chris and Cath have some very simple and practical tips on how to feel confident in the first weeks and months at home with your new baby.  LINKS:  https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/support-for-parents

Bringing baby home

Coming home from hospital can be scary. Suddenly, keeping a small human alive is up to you. The good news is both Chris and Cath have some very simple and practical tips on how to feel confident in the first weeks and months at home with your new baby.  LINKS:  https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/support-for-parents


EP09 - S7

13 Aug 23

Everything you need to know about breastfeeding

Fair enough, blokes can’t breast feed, but there are plenty of things you can do to support your partner in this stage your newborn’s life. Midwife Cath explains what to expect in the first days and weeks of your baby’s life, as well as how you can bond with your baby (without needing boobs). 

Everything you need to know about breastfeeding

Fair enough, blokes can’t breast feed, but there are plenty of things you can do to support your partner in this stage your newborn’s life. Midwife Cath explains what to expect in the first days and weeks of your baby’s life, as well as how you can bond with your baby (without needing boobs). 


EP08 - S7

6 Aug 23

What to expect on the Big Day

It’s go time! The day has finally come! Midwife Cath takes you through when it’s time to head into the hospital, what labour looks (and sounds) like, what you can do to support your partner during contractions and much more. 

What to expect on the Big Day

It’s go time! The day has finally come! Midwife Cath takes you through when it’s time to head into the hospital, what labour looks (and sounds) like, what you can do to support your partner during contractions and much more. 


EP07 - S7

30 Jul 23

Preparing for the big day

You’ve got a rough date for when the baby is due (or maybe you have a caesarean section booked in) but are you prepared for the big day? Having recently gone through the experience Chris has a few thoughts on what you might need to be best prepared, and Midwife Cath has some ideas as well. 

Preparing for the big day

You’ve got a rough date for when the baby is due (or maybe you have a caesarean section booked in) but are you prepared for the big day? Having recently gone through the experience Chris has a few thoughts on what you might need to be best prepared, and Midwife Cath has some ideas as well. 


EP06 - S7

23 Jul 23

All the ways babies are born

You might think there’s only one way a baby is born – but you’d be wrong. In this episode Midwife Cath takes Chris Taylor through all the ways babies come into the world, including where and how they arrive. We’re talking public vs private hospitals, with or without pain relief and more.  

All the ways babies are born

You might think there’s only one way a baby is born – but you’d be wrong. In this episode Midwife Cath takes Chris Taylor through all the ways babies come into the world, including where and how they arrive. We’re talking public vs private hospitals, with or without pain relief and more.  


EP05 - S7

16 Jul 23

How you can support your partner during pregnancy

Now you know what’s happening in your partner’s body, how can you help them while they deal with all the nausea, pelvic pain and hormonal changes they’re going through?  Chris always wanted to be as involved as he could; in this episode he gets some tips from Cath on all the ways men can make life a little easier during pregnancy.  Maternal and Child Health Line Victoria: 13 22 29  LINKS: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/ https://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/fact-sheets?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6Lore3u9mHB-0xhz4szVm-5xsJ6EiE2r7l-s47IUUcGREVAm-dkWNyRqoaApozEALw_wcB

How you can support your partner during pregnancy

Now you know what’s happening in your partner’s body, how can you help them while they deal with all the nausea, pelvic pain and hormonal changes they’re going through?  Chris always wanted to be as involved as he could; in this episode he gets some tips from Cath on all the ways men can make life a little easier during pregnancy.  Maternal and Child Health Line Victoria: 13 22 29  LINKS: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/ https://www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/fact-sheets?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6Lore3u9mHB-0xhz4szVm-5xsJ6EiE2r7l-s47IUUcGREVAm-dkWNyRqoaApozEALw_wcB


EP04 - S7

9 Jul 23

What’s happening to my partner’s body? Understanding pregnancy

After the excitement of finding out you’re going to be a dad, the next nine months can be a bit of a mystery. Your partner is carrying the baby and feels all the things… but as men – we can’t feel so connected. In this episode Midwife Cath and Chris explore all the changes that happen during the nine months of pregnancy. 

What’s happening to my partner’s body? Understanding pregnancy

After the excitement of finding out you’re going to be a dad, the next nine months can be a bit of a mystery. Your partner is carrying the baby and feels all the things… but as men – we can’t feel so connected. In this episode Midwife Cath and Chris explore all the changes that happen during the nine months of pregnancy. 


EP03 - S7

2 Jul 23

When it doesn’t go to plan – how to manage miscarriage

What happens when all the things go right, you discover you’re pregnant and then your partner has a miscarriage? Cath’s co-host Chris Taylor has been through a miscarriage, so he understands what Midwife Cath calls “a very lonely grief”. They talk about what can lead to miscarriage, how to manage your grief, how to support your partner and where to get help.  24 hr hotline for miscarriage support: 1300 308 307  LINKS TO SUPPORT FOR MISCARRIAGE:  https://www.sands.org.au/ https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/emotional-support-after-miscarriage

When it doesn’t go to plan – how to manage miscarriage

What happens when all the things go right, you discover you’re pregnant and then your partner has a miscarriage? Cath’s co-host Chris Taylor has been through a miscarriage, so he understands what Midwife Cath calls “a very lonely grief”. They talk about what can lead to miscarriage, how to manage your grief, how to support your partner and where to get help.  24 hr hotline for miscarriage support: 1300 308 307  LINKS TO SUPPORT FOR MISCARRIAGE:  https://www.sands.org.au/ https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/emotional-support-after-miscarriage


EP02 - S7

25 Jun 23

So you want a baby? Fertility tips for dads

There are all kinds of crazy ideas about how you can fall pregnant. Chris and Midwife Cath separate the facts from the fiction when it comes to fertility. No topic is taboo as they discuss ovulation, maximising sperm and just how often one can masturbate and still have strong swimmers. 

So you want a baby? Fertility tips for dads

There are all kinds of crazy ideas about how you can fall pregnant. Chris and Midwife Cath separate the facts from the fiction when it comes to fertility. No topic is taboo as they discuss ovulation, maximising sperm and just how often one can masturbate and still have strong swimmers. 


EP01 - S7

18 Jun 23

Birth, Baby and Beyond for new dads - launches June 19

Birth, Baby and Beyond is the go-to podcast for new parents. In the latest season Midwife Cath is refocussing her attention onto new dads and dads-to-be. Together with new dad Chris Taylor she unpacks everything men need to know about the highs and lows of pregnancy, giving birth and the complexities of parenting.   * Launches June 19, new episodes every week! 

Birth, Baby and Beyond for new dads - launches June 19

Birth, Baby and Beyond is the go-to podcast for new parents. In the latest season Midwife Cath is refocussing her attention onto new dads and dads-to-be. Together with new dad Chris Taylor she unpacks everything men need to know about the highs and lows of pregnancy, giving birth and the complexities of parenting.   * Launches June 19, new episodes every week! 



4 Jun 23

Season 6

Season 5

Season 4

Season 3

Season 2

Season 1


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